Reimagining around Process and Design products to make it more sustainable and easy to recycle. Some of the process Innovations specifically related to new and environmental friendly processes for manufacture, recycling and waste management including business processes related to them as follows –
1) Sorting (startups): Chemical markers (EU Polymark project) can sort food PET from non-food PET ,Types of markers: Marker blended with polymer, coating on bottle, label on bottle, Detection methods: optical (UV, fluorescence) , Baltimore optical sorting- blows items into correct stream, Polymer Identification (WRAP, UK): machine readable inks and sorting techniques to improve polymer identification , Indian recyclers have developed indigenous technologies which allow them to recycle mixed and contaminated plastic waste into woven products such as carpets, mats.
2) Recycling (startups) High quality plastic pellet production at scale (Banyan Nation in HYD) , Conserve India (LDPE-> Handmade Recycled Plastic) , Thermochemical recycling for multi material packaging , High quality recycling processes (hot-washing and degassing), China has formed recycling clusters and provided common effluent treatment plants (India Dept. of Science and Technology) is looking at this, Unilever Creasolv (in partnership with Fraunhofer) to recycle sachet waste – set up waste collection schemes for sachets
3) Product Design – Plastic hooks can be used to hold railtrack, Disposable food bowl, Bamboo handle tooth brushes
4) Packaging Design – Multi-layer to mono layer, connected bottle cap design, Flip top for Ketchup or shampoo bottles connecting closure to main bottle, Nepenthes bottle concept – removes need for lid, Dispenser replacing sachets in restaurants, Disappearing package concept e.g. laundry pods – pods are water soluble and stitched together forming a sheet, Redesign small format to be compostable.
5) Design and implementation of Policy reforms and process reforms